See If You Qualify

Our UK Pension Calculator
2023/24 is unique as you can claim back up to 17 years historic this year only!

UK State Pension Projected Calculator

Potential Estimate of your weekly UK State Pension age 66-67*

NOTE: This is the estimate of the current potential value and will involve further contributions to your UK State Pension. This is the value if you were 66-67 today. It is index linked annually by at least 2.5% from now until you reach that age through the Triple Lock Guarantee

*Depending on your current age you could be assessed between your 66th and up to your 67th birthday

At UK State Pensions Abroad, we do not offer pension advice; we offer specialised information and implementation assistance on UK State Pension entitlements. For pension advice contact your financial advisor.

Will this affect my rights to the Irish Contributory State Pension?

The Department of Social Protection have answered our specific enquiry on this topic “Your UK pension does not impact the personal rate of your Irish State pension”.

When you redeem extra years on your UK State Pension, you are making an AVC (Additional Voluntary Contribution) to your UK State Pension. Effectively, you are accessing (probably) the best value AVCs that exist. If your contributions are assessed as Class 2 by HMRC, the cost of all your contributions are paid back within 6 months on retirements, and you enjoy the benefits for your lifetime. Even if you are assessed as Class 3, the payback is just 2-3 years.

Your UK State Pension can allow you to double the value of your Irish Contributory State Pension!


I'm very happy to recommend Mel's service. He brought me through the whole process with detailed instructions at each stage and I'm very happy with the outcome. From previous experience, this would have been much more difficult working directly with HMRC.

Stephen - Dublin

Excellent process, great service

Great service. I tried previously to sort out my UK pension contributions from abroad but found it to be quite complicated. I heard Mel on Newstalk last year and decided to give it a shot. The process was made really easy using their online questionnaire, far easier than the HMRC form itself! There is some waiting in the middle of the process but you will have that wait whether you do it by yourself or with UK State Pension Abroad. The results of the process were great, with Mel's guidance. He's also very quick to respond to emails. Would highly recommend to anyone who's been away from the UK and wants to keep their contributions up to date

Eoin - Galway

Great service

Mel and company made a complex task very simple. And very good value for money. The thoughts of navigating the department’s of works and pensions along with HMRC is daunting but Mel and team took that pressure away and myself and my wife are delighted with the results. Thank you.

Patrick - Waterford

UK pensions made easy.

Fantastic service and a very positive experience. Mel took care of all the paperwork and simplified the process. Great communication throughout. I would highly recommend this service.

Aisling - Donegal

Fantastic service and a very positive
UK Sate Pension Abroad